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Mary Amagoalik

In the summer of 2016 Mary Amagoalik worked with her neighbours teaching them how to cure sealskin. Here are some of her masterclasses.

Mary Master Class 1


Mary shows and talks about her kamiks

Mary Master Class 2

Qisiit ajjigiingittut

Mary and her family show different stages in sealskin processing 

Mary Master Class 3

Qisiit qaujisartangit
Woman shows how she washes the sealskin and removes some of the fur with her bare hands

Mary Master Class 4

Qisiit qaujisartangit
The woman continues removing the fur in the sink, while the other two demonstrate sealskin softening using tools 


Woman finishes removing the fur using ulu

Mary Master Class 5


Woman and Mary cut kamik fur patterns

Mary Master Class 6

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