Sisters start skinning a fresh sealskin
Inuit Studies Conference & INuit Blanche Arts Festival
St Johns, Newfoundland
In October 2016 Sarahme Akoomalik, Sheila Katsak, Regilee Ootoova and Nancy Wachowich from the Mittimatalik Arnait Miqsuqtuit Collective co-produced an arts/performance workshop/performance as part of the INuit blanche arts festival.
Over the course of an evening on 08 October, more than 100 participants from around the world visited the Natural Boutique, a sealskin clothing shop in downtown St. Johns, and learned skills from MAMC expert seamstresses. Ours was one of eleven venues in the the the INuit blanche arts festival, billed as the world’s first all-circumpolar, all-night festival of art, music, dance, performance, installation, food and film.
Participants were invited to practice sealskin scraping, and ask questions of the seamstresses. A photo from this collection shows Sheila Katsak being interviewed on CBC Newfoundland and Labrador. There is also a short clip from the evening.
The following day Sarahme, Regilee and Sheila were part of an Inuit Studies conference panel, speaking to a room of scholars about sealskin sewing and cultural revitalisation. There are photos from that day.